+256 788 756661
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  • Our Proposed Plan for the Organization's Site

As an Organization, we are currently renting premises and have no place of our own. Our plan and hope is to buy land then construct buildings where we shall include children's dorms, a school, wroship places, play grounds and also the Organization's Offices. We hope to achieve this with your help through your kind donations. So we hereby ask you to join hands with us and help us achieve this goal by donating to us, however small it maybe we welcome it. We call upon all potential donors and sponsors to help us in our fundraising campaign so we can achieve this goal. We shall be greatful.

  • Below is an image of the plan for the site we hope to build.
Project Image
  • Our various other projects we want to start for children at the orphanage

Apart from the future building project, we also hope to start other various projects as an organization. These projects would help to support the organization both financially and materially. You could therefore help us achieve this by partnering with us through donations, sponsorships and purchase of the products from the projects. The projects we plan to undertake are as listed below:

  1. Poultry Farming: We could start with a few chicken that can be used to create layers and broilers.These can be sold to support the organization financially or for feeding. So please donate / sponsor us to help us get started on the poultry project. We shall be greatful for your help. Thanks.

  2. Crop Farming: Under the crop farming project, we hope to grow local crops such as maize, green banana (matooke), pumpkins among others. These can be sold to support the organization financially or for feeding at the organization. So please donate / sponsor us to help us get started on the agricultural farming project. We shall be greatful for your help. Thank you.

  3. Animal Husbandry: With the animal husbandry project, we hope to involve animals such as cattle, pigs and goats. These can be sold to support the organization financially or for feeding through production of milk and meat at the organization. So please donate / sponsor us to help us get started on the animal husbandry project. We shall be greatful for your help. Thanks.

  4. Water Project: Water is one of the basic needs of life but sadly its scarce here in our area and if gotten its unclean. To solve this, we hope to construct a local borehole that we can use as an organization and the community at large. So please donate / sponsor us to help us get started on the water project. We shall be greatful for your help. Thanks.

  5. Skilling Project: In addition to all the above mentioned projects, we'd also like to start the skilling project and this will focus on skilling children in computer skills, carpentry, sewing among others. So please donate to us items like sewing machines, computers among others to help us get started on the skilling project. We shall be greatful for your help. Thanks.

  • Pictures of the projects we hope to start at the organization